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Faith Journey RESOURCES

Go to: sign up ~ sign up as a parishioner ~ St Andrew Catholic Church 1400 Inglewood Ave, Rochester, MI 48307
Hit next: sign in with your full name and email. You are all set.

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The Search - What is this journey in between the event we call “birth” and the one we call “death”? Is the journey taking you somewhere, or are you leading yourself to some kind of destination – a destination that could extend beyond your last breath? What do you want from your life during the in between? The questions are there. And, the answers are too.


Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, Part 1 - "Knowing the Faith" & Part 2 - "Living the Faith"

Watch the session and look over the guides...

Some of the OCIA Session Topics

  1. What is Faith ~ Formed ~ Symbolon Session 1

  2. Divine Revelation ~ Formed ~ Symbolon Session 2

  3. Church Tour

  4. The Bible ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Session 3

  5. Who is Jesus ~ Formed ~ Symbolon Session 5

  6. Why Do I Need the Church? ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Session 8

  7. The Pascal Mystery ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Session 6

  8. The Story of Salvation ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Session 4

  9. The Sacraments

  10. The Last Things/What Happens When We Die? ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Session 10

  11. The Eucharist ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Part 2 Session 2

  12. A Walk Through the Mass ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon  Part 2 Session 3

  13. The Trinity

  14. Catholic Moral Vision/Catholic Social Teaching ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Part 2 Session 6, 9 and 10

  15. Matrimony and Holy Orders ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Part 2 Session 5

  16. A Love that Lasts ~ Formed ~ Symbolon Part 2 Session 7 & 8

  17. Baptism and Confirmation ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Part 2 Session 1

  18. The Lord's Prayer

  19. Living Lent "The Way of the Cross"

  20. Reconciliation/Penance and Anointing of the Sick ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Part 2 Session 4

  21. The Creed

  22. Prayer

  23. The Meaning of Holy Week

  24. Palm Sunday

  25. Mary and the Saints ~ Formed  ~ Symbolon Session 9

  26. Your Spiritual Gifts and Charisms

  27. Conversion "A Life Long Process"

  28. Evangelization

  29. Art, Images & Icons

May not be in the correct order 

Symbolon Print outs

visit under Symbolon videos you'll find the print outs for the section.



In reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church
we can perceive the wonderful unity of the mystery of God...

— Pope St. John Paul II

Youth version of the Catechism

YOUCAT stands for the faith of the Catholic Church: vividly explained, innovatively presented, officially confirmed.



Bible in a Year - Fr. Mike Schmitz

Catechism in a Year - Fr. Mike Schmitz

Word On Fire Show - Bishop Robert Barron

All Things Catholic - Dr. Edward Sri

Ask Fr. Josh - Fr. Josh


These are just a handful of apps to help you live out your Catholic faith​

Truth & Life Bible
Bible - Catholic Study


Websites to help you live out your catholic faith year round, not just on Sundays

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