Don't forget to go to church this weekend. Experience Pentecost.
The coming of the Holy Spirit. The birthday of the Church. 50 days after Easter
It will always be Pentecost in the church, provided the church lets the beauty of the Holy Spirit shine forth from her countenance. When the church ceases to let her strength rest on the power from above — which Christ promised her and which he gave her on that day — and when the church leans rather on the weak forces of the power or wealth of this earth, then the church ceases to be newsworthy.
The church will be fair to see, perennially young, attractive in every age, as long as she is faithful to the Spirit that floods her and she reflects that Spirit through her communities, through her pastors, through her very life.
— Saint Oscar Romero from “The Violence of Love”
The Holy Spirit sent by Jesus at Pentecost is the breath that animates this Body. Without this life-giving breath, the Church ceases to live. It becomes a dead thing. An artifact. A series of ornate buildings suitable only as museums or mausoleums. As Saint Oscar Romero said, the Church must remain utterly dependent on the Holy Spirit and not on worldly power or wealth if she is to remain beautiful, strong, and the voice of the fierce and loving Christ on earth. This goes for us, too — you and me and all of us. This Pentecost (and every day) we are called to remember our reliance on the Holy Spirit and our commission to serve and to love with courage and humility. -- Busted Halo