The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Praying for the dead is an important work of mercy and a meaningful reminder of own mortality.

This is the day, and the week, and the month to focus on praying for the dead. On All Souls Day itself (today), we visit a church and pray the Our Father and the Creed. Doing so gets us a plenary indulgence applicable to the souls in purgatory, if the usual conditions for indulgences are met. Every day between November 1 and 8, we visit a cemetery and pray for the dead. Any time of the year, a partial indulgence is available for praying for the dead in a cemetery, but this week you can obtain a plenary (or full) indulgence. One indulgence is available per person, per day. On All Souls Day, we usually meet up with a few other families at a cemetery and the kids all (devoutly) run around the cemetery looking at the gravestones and praying for the dead by name and leaving a flower at the gravestone. It’s beautiful and sweet and moving and fun. - Taken from Catholic Year Round

The Commemoration of All Souls
"We know our union with the brethren who have died in the grace and faith of Christ is not the least weakened or interrupted by their death. On the contrary it is strengthened by our conveying spiritual goods for their benefit."
- Second Vatican Council Lumen Gentium, 49
Call to mind your loved ones who have passed away. What "spiritual goods" can you convey to them for their benefit? What are you willing to do today? What are you willing to commit to do for this month?
