The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ's Paschal Mystery. - USCCB

On Holy Thursday, we remember the Last Supper, at which Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, and instituted the Eucharist and founded the sacramental priesthood.

Today is the day that the Chrism Mass is traditionally celebrated in each Diocese. During Mass the Bishop blesses all of the holy oils that will be used when celebrating the sacraments throughout the year. He blesses enough for every church in the whole diocese!
Reflections for Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday
Prone in Gethsemene upon His face,
His eyelids closed, — lay Christ of all our world,
The winds with endless sorrows seemed enswirled;
A little fountain murmured of its pain
Reflecting the pale sickle of the moon;
Then was the hour when the Angel brought
From God’s high throne the Cup of bitter horn,
While on His hands tears trembling fell like rain.
Before the Christ a cross arose on high;
He saw His own young body hanging there
Mangled, distorted; knotted ropes half-tear
The sinews from their sockets; saw He nigh
The jagged nails’ hot rage, the direful Crown
Upon His head, and every dripping thorn
Red-laden, as in fury of its scorn
The thunder battered all kind voices down.
He heard the pattering drops, as from the cross
A piteous sobbing whispered and grew still.
Then Jesus sighed, and every pore did spill
A bloody sweat.
-From Gethsemene
by Annette Von Droste-Hulshoff (1797-1848)
Today's Reflection ~ Take this poem into your prayer time meditation as you consider the great gift of our redemption. How is Jesus speaking to you in it?
