Darkness came over the whole land... Then the veil of the temple was torn down the middle... Jesus cried out in a loud voice: "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." And when He had said this, He breathed His last.

It is Good Friday. In His Passion, Jesus shows us the full extent of His love for us. Nothing inspires greater understanding and appreciation for Christ's eternal love for you than faithfully commemorating His suffering on that Good Friday so long ago. Join the whole Church today as we reverently place ourselves
at the foot of the Cross of Our Lord and Savior.

Know that our prayers are with you today and each day during Holy Week.
Here are a few ways to commemorate Good Friday:
Attend a Veneration of the Cross Liturgy. Your parish will likely offer this ceremony at 3PM today to pay reverence to the Cross which God made the tool of our salvation.
Pray the Stations of the Cross. This devotion remains one of the central ways in which the Church commemorates Good Friday.
Observe interior and exterior silence. At 12 noon, we should strive to silence our environment if we can: turning off music, limiting conversations, etc. We can commemorate Christ's three hours of agony on the Cross with this reverent silence.
Taken from: The Catholic Company