Happy Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Happy Feast of Mary being assumed into heaven! 💙
"Taken up into heaven, Mary shows us the way to God, the way to heaven, the way to life. She shows it to her children baptized in Christ and to all people of good will. She opens this way especially to the little ones and to the poor, those who are dear to divine mercy."
In the Nicene Creed, we say we “look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.” This means we believe that everyone who is now, or will ever be, in heaven, will receive back his own body, glorified, at the second coming of Jesus. It is the long tradition of the Church that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, has her glorified body in heaven with her now. We believe that at the end of her life, she was assumed bodily into heaven. Mary’s Assumption is similar to the Ascension of Jesus. However the Ascension happened by Jesus’ own power as God, whereas Mary’s Assumption happened by God’s power, not her own. This tradition became an infallible, doctrinal teaching of the Church in 1950 under Pope Pius XII. - Catholic all year
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is such a beautiful feast day in the Church. To have lived a life of such purity and holiness that your entire being is assumed into Heaven, is something you and I can only imagine.
Mary's life was marked by faithfulness in the everyday tasks of life. Her Assumption teaches us to find holiness in the ordinary, to value simple acts of service, and to recognize the spiritual significance of our daily routines.
Mary gave her entire life in service to her Lord. She said "yes" in every moment to total participation in the redemptive work of Christ. Her Assumption into Heaven is the culmination of her love for our Lord. May we have the courage to live our lives with our eyes fixed on Christ, so we may be united with Him for all eternity. -Taken from The Little Rose Shop
A Ladybug is one of the many symbols for Mother Mary. As tradition goes, during the Middle Ages a plague of small insects, most likely aphids, attacked the crops and threatened Europe with starvation. The people turned to praying for the intercession of the Virgin Mary. Their prayers were answered when a cloud of tiny orange-red insects speckled with black arrived and ate the offending pests. In gratitude, the people gave them the honorary name “Our Lady’s Beetle.” Over time, this was shortened to the “ladybeetle” or the “ladybird,” and in the United States became what we know today as the ladybug.
Another tradition finds the ladybugs name in its bright red shell that bears a striking resemblance to the red cloak the Virgin Mary is often wearing in religious paintings from the time. In Europe, the most common ladybug is the seven-spotted variety. These seven spots were seen to symbolize both the Seven Joys and Seven Sorrows of Mary.